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Y is For…………

on September 21, 2013

Youth. I recall a saying ‘youth is wasted on the young’ which I used to think an odd saying, but now – I get it. I agree with that saying. It’s impossible to explain to my young children as they are still too young to understand, that school is marvellous! That being young and carefree, no responsibilities, no pressures, sleeping soundly all night long, feeling secure and loved and cared for, are amazingly wonderful feelings and things that we take for granted while we are young.
When you are young, you can’t wait to grow up, to be older, to get out of school, a day seems to last forever, an hour of waiting is an eternity to a child! It’s all a big rush to move on.

It’s an awful realisation as the years pass, that those things turn on their heads, returning to our schooldays would be fantastic, sleeping peacefully with no worries would be bliss, having that hour to just do nothing would be a treat! No worries and no fears about finances, bills, our children, their education, no concerns about our health, not thinking about death, losing our loved ones, our friends, ourselves! We start wanting time to slow down, to stop the clock, slow the ageing process, stay youthful.

But we gain our wisdom from our years of experience, how many times have you thought ‘if I knew that then, I would have done things differently’. That’s our journey through life, to learn, to figure it out along the way. Our experiences, our tears and heartbreaks, our fun and frivolity and crazy days, are all part of our personal rich tapestries of life. Our individualism, our uniqueness.

All that said, I still wish I could do it all again! And my children will no doubt ignore my advice and words of wisdom, as they follow their own destinies and make their own mistakes, as I am just old Mum! What do I know ?!!

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