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Please Keep Walking and Ignore Us!!!! Really!

OK. Today started well. Early Swimming lesson for all 3 amigos. Mcdonalds breakfast pitstop post swimming, things started to deteriorate slightly – middle child nemesis boy decided to do his thang (want it, don’t want it, wan’t it, don’t want it wah wah wah). Quick stop at my Grandpas house to check he remembers he is coming for Sunday lunch tomorrow, then on to the supermarket to grab a very few items. Well, actually a birthday present addition, as boy 2 had a party to go to this arvo, and I had bought a soft Angry Bird toy as the gift, which my Mr. looked at this morning and commented that it looked a mean present. Mean as in stingy, tight. Now, why in the world I took any notice of him I will never know, particularly on the subject of presents for kids partys, which he has no knowledge or interest in usually, so his meddling interference this morning went on to cause the nightmare morning from hell! (yes of course its his fault…..). So here we are at the supermarket to buy something to add to the mean Angry Bird, which my boy 2 insists he will choose as its for his friend. I want to also get a fresh chicken, some sausages to make stuffing balls for sunday lunch and a bottle of fizz (rugby and Skyfall movie night later…..!), oh and one of those chinese banquet things for tonights treat night supper for us all (avoiding cooking….) so not many items really, certainly not needing a big trolley. Aha. another school boy error. The absence of the big trolley meant boy 3 was walking with the other 2. He was on the loose. So we head for the toy aisle as its situated before you get to the groceries (strategic planning eh…), and I realise this was also a big mistake. All 3 of them forgot we were looking for a birthday party present, they were picking things up and asking to have them, I started getting fractious (love that word…..I only ever started to get fractious since i got kids!) I convinced boy 2 that Moshi Monster Top Trumps was an excellent choice to add to the Angry Bird toy, rather than the £20 spidey figure he was clutching, so we were done in that aisle, time to move on. Did they? Did they feck as like. Boy 1 got a major sulk on because he wasn’t allowed to choose anything for himself, and boy 3 started to just run around up and down the aisle, which made boy 2 laugh and begin to chase him. So. Chaos was rife. I got as far as getting the chicken and sausages in, when I really couldn’t handle anymore trying to herd them together, so as boy 3 whistled by me for another stretch down the aisle and up the next one, I grabbed his coat – by the hood (all I could reach!) and he sort of strangulated himself on his coat as he came to a halt…… and began to scream loudly and shout ‘Mummy – you really HURT ME!’ Uuffffff. I swear all the do gooder samaritans in that store were looking at me with horror on their silly silly faces.  It went soooooo quiet…….tumbleweed moment. I mean I expected to get hauled by social services or childline on the way out!  COME ON people! The polite thing to do is to look away when you see children behaving badly in a public place! I don’t want to see your condescending look. I don’t want to hear your stupid unhelpful words of unusefullness. I want to disappear into a hole in the ground! I want to exit the supermarket by magic! Please think back to when you had small children, dig into your so very short memories, and remember what it was like. Next time you see a parent with a gaggle of unruly children, or even just one child choosing their moment to be naughty publicly, don’t stare! Don’t laugh! Don’t offer any words of wisdom! It really does not help. Please keep walking and ignore us! Really!And to add insult to injury, I didn’t get my fizz or the banquet box for supper tonight, so i’ve now had to make a chilli (available ingredients in my house…)- which the 3 amigos wanted to help with (of course they did) so vegetable chopping and slicing frenzy taking ages longer and really oddly shaped veggies going in the pot and lots more mess to clean up……..!